Monday, March 7, 2011

Food Club

     So, you might remember a cult classic from the 90's called "Fight Club".  If you don't, go rent it, and I promise you'll see something different from the usual action crap that tends to be available.  Taking a page from that script, I have twisted the title to my own ends.

     The first rule of Food Club is: About 90% of what's available at your local grocery store is NOT food.

     The second rule of Food Club is: Your local grocery store, and all its product purveyors, don't want you to know this.

     The reason I bring this up tonight is that I see a god-awful amount of power-grabbing going on in our country, and others.  I see what shreds of our civil rights are left being fed into an elaborate web created by the very people we elected (or failed to vote against) to help us create change. The Wisconsin situation is the obvious one; did you realize that a similar bill was recently passed in Ohio?  See this.  It has yet to make the Senate (they're for it) or the Governor (he's also for it), but it has about half the provisions in common with the Wisconsin legislation.  What they take away half of this year, they WILL come get the rest of next year.  

     How are these things related to Food Club?  I think you're going to need a clear head, and VERY sharp vision in the coming months.  I need you to pay attention to what's happening around you - this means lifting your head from your Twitter and Facebook accounts, and not texting your location and the OMG good time you're having every 5 minutes - and taking a hard, analytical look at your world. 

     Think we're running enough wars already?  Check this.  Or, maybe you think that if you're not a teacher, or a firefighter, or an administrative assistant for your local municipality, you're rights are probably okay? Take a deep breath, and read this. 

     So, yeah, I want you to read (or re-read) Ayn Rand's opus, Atlas Shrugged. But if you won't, or can't, read that, I want you to take a half hour with the food in your kitchen, and get a REAL grip on what's going into your body.  Really, I mean it.  Take a hard look at the food you're eating, and consider this: One reason we haven't been hit "as hard" by food inflation over the last six months is because our food has so little food in it.  

     Why? Because, like turning off (or throwing away) your television is a big step, but it's an important one; you can free up so much time to THINK, read, absorb, and relate to the world and the people around you.

     And, I think if you look closely at what you get for your food budget, you'll find a minimum of 12 ingredients that you can't understand, or have no idea how your body will process it.  Think of it this way: if your Grandma wouldn't think it's food, it probably isn't.  If a 3rd grader can't pronounce it, does it really need to be in your system?  Food is the ultimate drug: we're all 'hooked' if we want to survive. Gotta eat, right?  But just WHAT are you eating, and how long would it take to get off of Big Agra meats and their by-products?

     Here's something that'll get you thinking: 80% of the antibiotics prescribed in America are for agricultural animals.  Think about that next time you sit down with Chicken Tonight.  

     And, IMHO, you'll feel better, be healthier (thus avoiding the nightmare that our medical system has become), and think more clearly for longer periods if you can make good food choices.  And, who knows, maybe you'll be able to be part of a solution set for you and yours and your community - whomever you choose to be a part of your village - instead of waiting to get the e-mail that may never be sent.  

     I'd love to see a list of what chemicals/additives/preservatives you found in your kitchen. Once you've gotten off the processed-food, aren't so white sugar addicted, and have freed up some time away from the TV and Crackberry, I think you'll find that we need as many 'clear' minds as we can drag together.

     Try this little snippet, from Romania, circa 1985, here.  Then, look at your food one more time, and promise yourself and your loved ones you can 'unhook' from the poison that IS OUR FOOD SUPPLY.  

     So, to paraphrase "Fight Club" one more time: "If it's the first time your world is crumbling, you have to fight."

     Brutal Truth

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