Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Return to Reason: All Hail Ireland!

     You know that disturbing, nagging feeling - easily mistaken for gas - you've had as state after state pushes blindly forward with "austerity" measures?  Union busting will solve all of our problems, oh, and we're cutting off your extended, "emergency" unemployment compensation, etc.??  
     Recently, I read that NINE different states are REFUSING 100% federally funded unemployment benefits.  See here.  Cut-off dates as early as April 4th of this year are imminent for thousands of long-term unemployed.  Scott Walker's step into insanity legislation is being held up by a court order, but his republican legislators have posted the "law" on the Web, and really believe that constitutes enactment. Check this out.  

     In the troubled European Union, Brits are protesting austerity measures. In the streets. In Greece, fire-bombs ruled the day as that country introduced austerity measures.  

     Into this bubbling turmoil marches Ireland, who recently un-seated its government over austerity measures of its own, required to secure a bail out from the EU and the International Monetary Fund.  The reason?

     Brace yourselves:

     The people of Ireland don't think they should have to shoulder the entire burden of paying for greedy, arrogant bankers' mistakes. 

     Crazy talk, huh?

     Only this is what America SHOULD have been doing since 2008, Bernanke and Geithner be damned.  Instead, we have allowed ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren to be sold to a bankster elite that will keep them on treadmills of penury for their entire taxpaying lifetimes.

     THIS is why I'm so happy about the Irish public, the new Irish government, and their proposition as of this writing.  Thank GOD for you, Emerald Isle.

     If the Irish can hold their ground, things are going to get VERY ugly within the EU, and it may destroy the currency, bringing a multitude of smaller, leaner currencies (with, believe it or not, ACCURATE values) back onto the trading floor.  This will bring on a certain level of chaos, as most EU countries are broke (Hint: this is why they JOINED the EU to begin with.  Just sayin').  

    But here's what's exciting: remember Mohammed Bouazizi? Probably not, but you should.  See this for a reminder. His story, his unthinkable act, as pointed out in the ZeroHedge article, sparked the toppling of governments that has yet to finish rippling outward.  Ireland, without a doubt, has the potential to put an end to this "publicize losses, privatize profits" landscape that the oligarchy has built.

     Remember Iceland?  Sure you do; their finance-built economy blew up - much like ours, and frankly, most everyone else's, has, whether we admit it or not - they put their bailout package for their Too Big To Fail banks to a referendum vote - and IT LOST.  

     Guess what?  The country didn't sink, their economy has flushed out most of its losses, and they're recovering - WITHOUT cossetting criminal racketeers and padding their wallets with untold amounts of taxpayer dollars.  And it's only been two years, for cryin' out loud.  THIS CAN BE DONE, and that's been a big part of my "howling in the dark" frustration.

     So, look east, my friends, and wish the Emerald Isle strength and courage. They'll need it, and if they stand and are true, there's hope for the rest of us yet.

     Brutal Truth

1 comment:

  1. ...And, unfortunately, just 2 days after I posted this, joyous and trimphant, the new government caved completely to the pressures of the ECB and the IMF.

