Thursday, October 21, 2010

About That Whole DADT Thing...

    And if you think that our military policies don't effect our overall Economy, picture $2.6 BILLION dollars a WEEK blowing out the door and into the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan.  

    Just recently, US District Judge Virginia Phillips ruled the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy of our military unconstitutional.  According to Judge Phillips, the policy violates the constitutionally protected rights of Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Petition, and the right to Due Process.  Cool, huh?  Especially in an era that has heralded the witch-hunting and dismissal of a large number of Arabic speaking translators and cryptologists at a time when, you know, we could REALLY use some help in that area...

    So, in living up to his campaign promise to abolish DADT, President Obama seized this golden opportunity to...

    APPEAL AND GET A FREEZE from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, effectively bitch-slapping Judge Phillips, and reversing course AFTER the Pentagon had already told recruiters they had to accept openly gay candidates for the armed services.

    The list of things that make me go "WTF?" keeps getting longer and longer....

    So, according to our President, he still stands by his promise that DADT will be repealed 'on his watch', but, "It has to be done in a way that is orderly, because we are involved in a war right now."

    Umm, that would be TWO wars, Sherlock, but whatever.  Apparently, repealing this POS piece of legislation can only be done if it's Congress' idea.  Does this sound like a sick second date to you yet?  

    And, honestly, do you think Congress, the new and improved, completely partisan, 75 IQ generation of representatives bought and paid for by the banking cartels and big oil, can spell DADT, and I do mean the initials??

    What a cop-out.  

    Got me thinking: When Roe V Wade was handed down by the Supreme Court, citing violation of the 9th Amendment, a multitude of abortion-restricting laws were nullified.

    Then, when Brown V Board of Education was handed down by the Supreme Court, citing violation of the 14th Amendment, a multitude of segregation laws were nullified.
    Neither of these cases "began and ended" with the Supremes; I'm simplifying for the reason that it literally "doesn't take an act of Congress" to do the right thing - for our military, for our individual soldiers who choose to serve.  

    Meanwhile, President Obama wishes upon a star.  Take the f-ing case up the ladder to the Supremes, you Log Cabin Republicans, and then we'll see how many "acts of Congress" we need to get this ill-conceived bitch-slap piece of crap legislation off our books.

    This would be a great day to email your representative, but they really don't give a shit what any of the rest of us think.

    Brutal Truth

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