Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Foreclosure Mess: Not Obama's Problem???!!!!

     Be ready.  I'm about to go on a foul-mouthed rant... <deep breath>...
   So, I'm perusing the Huffington Post, thinking it's been a slow news day, and there's not much really happening that I think I should dial down and let my friends and family in on.  The HuffPo's big headline is "Not Our Problem", referring to ForeclosureGate.  Ooookaaay... well, legally, it is a state issue - specifically, a county issue, as it's  generally the sheriff's job to actually boot you out of your house.  So thinking, I clicked on the article, and read the next headline: "For the Banks and Servicers to Fix".  I had to ask myself this fundamental question:


    Here's what the fuck is wrong: you're in bed with the Banksters, The Lobbyists, the Corporate Lackeys, and all the other shills who have sat at this blood-soaked table of carnage that used to be a thriving American Middle Class!  Let's toss out this little tidbit:
    From Shaun Donovan, HUD Secretary: "...we have not found any evidence at this point of systemic issues in the underlying legal or other documents that have been reviewed."

    This shouldn't be the whole quote, I'm sure.  The rest of the quote should read anything from, "Ya wanna play checkers?" to "because we haven't actually LOOKED at anything, really."

    The Cook County, Illinois sheriff - hardly a Secretarial muckety-muck like this Donovan fucktard, announced on Tuesday that "he can no longer enforce foreclosures" in and around the Chicago area, until they (The TBTF's and Ally) can prove the processes were handled "properly and legally".  

    How about this one?  Affidavits of expert witness Lisa Cullaro, who attested in a court motion by Wells Fargo Bank in an attempt to finalize a foreclosure action.  Great, except that Lisa Cullaro ALSO works for the Florida State Attorney General's office... in the fucking ECONOMIC CRIMES DIVISION.  Wait! There's more:
    She did it by the books, as it were; applied for approval of "dual employment" through - wait for it - the Attorney General's office... noting that she would be employed by Florida Default Law Group, as a notary public, on specific days and times.  She got the approval.

    And, somehow, her signature got all over paperwork with date and time stamps that, according to her binding agreement with the Attorney General's office, would have placed her OUTSIDE THE F-ING STATE OF FLORIDA at the time of the signatures.

    I got a million of 'em... try the prime rib... !

    Now that I've calmed down a bit, please note that I culled these last two references from, a great reference site worth reading.

    I'm glad someone's paying attention, and willing to talk about it, because apparently our federal administration is going to do their damnedest to sweep this whole mess under the rug.  It's disgusting. 


    Brutal Truth

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