Friday, October 15, 2010

Things That Make Me Go, WTF??!

    The good news in the financial markets is the beating the TBTF's are taking now that ForeclosureGate is getting wheels.  I'm glad to see it, for any number of reasons: an end to government-sanctioned fraud would top the list, but there are others.  As everybody from Neil Barofsky to Jamie Dimon wring their hands and attempt to see "just how deep the rabbit hole goes", some other things caught my attention.

    Anybody seen the recent "walkout" video from The View?  Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg actually leave the set during a shout-fest with none other than that flaming cretin, Bill O'Reilly.  Oh, yeah, they come back, and one would guess the interview wound down from there, but the "big" news is that they got so pissed off, they had to go take a powder.

    Two things bother me about this: One, Barbara Walters addressed as soon as the ladies had left stage.  Her words: "You've just seen what should not happen, everybody."  And, in a larger sense, she's right; walking out solves nothing, and keeps a solution from being reached during a conflict.  Excellent point from a class act, in my opinion.

    The second thing that got under my skin: WTF is Bill O'Blowhard doing on The View, anyway? Honestly, who in the wide, wide world expects reasonable discourse from this butthead?  He says to Ms. Behar, and these are HIS words: "Listen, you might learn something."  All while pointing his finger, raising his voice, drowning out all dissent while he pontificates - wrongly, in my opinion, but that's just me - about the issue at hand.  Which, by the way, turns out to be the Muslim Community Center.  I have had about enough of this crap about the Muslim Community Center, believe you me.  Even if I hadn't, do I need the school yard bully tactics of a guy like "One Note Bill" to convince me pro or con?  It saddens me that Barbara Walters has to sit on this panel with this fucktard; she deserves better, if not the entire panel.

    I'm watching the video clip (on Huffington Post), and I'm talking him right through the same "one note" routine he does everywhere, everywhen, every issue: Step 1: raise voice.  Step 2: wag that fucking index finger. Step 3: if anyone else is talking, raise voice again, insult them, see Step 2.

    I'm challenging anyone with the guts to apply this same One Note, Three Step formula to any of these wingnuts: Limbaugh, Hannity, any of them.  Turn the sound off, watch the body language, and... wait for it... here goes the fingerwag!  It's pathetic, and it's what's wrong with political discourse in our country.  The Tea Party grew out of this muckraking bully pulpit bullshit, and it disgusts me.  'Nuff said.

    Deep sigh.  Okay, better news, and maybe a lesson for the US as it follows the TBTF's "down the rabbit hole": Hungary - see The Christian Science Monitor for a detailed article - ARRESTED the company director of MAL, the aluminum pre-treatment plant that has, be losing control of its 'waste ponds', killed 8 people, caused mass evacuations of surrounding towns, and threatened to destroy the habitat within the world-famous Danube River.  Google "red sludge" and see some truly scary photos.  Yuck.

    Hungary's lookin' like they remember how to make a company director do a Perp Walk, and I respect the HELL out of that.  Not the maintenance guy, not his 4th in command, The Director.  Hell, I LOVE that.  I'll let you know how it unfolds, and I do dearly hope that our Federal Prosecutors are watching, too.

    And, to end on a positive note, Angelo Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide, settled a suit with the SEC for misrepresenting the "health" of his company, for $67,500,000.00. This may be the first time since the onset of TARP someone - and the SEC, complicit as it has been in this entire sham, surprised me by growing a pair - has finally dropped the hammer, and said, "Ya don't getta keep the fuckin' money".  Admittedly, Mr. Mozilo certainly wasn't the biggest fish on the pier, but it's a start.  There's hope for us all.

Brutal Truth

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